Monday, August 5, 2013

Meeting Everyone

Jambo, Habari ya Asubuhi

Today, at around 9am we were able to meet with Aggrey Ogossi (Kisumu County Representative) who drove us to the Kisumu County office to meet with the Minister of Water, Energy and Natural Resources, Professor Barack Obonyo, and Kisumu County Deputy Governor, Her Excellency Ruth Odinga Busia. We found out that the Minister had spent 13 years studying in the United States before he moved to Kenya to run for office. Both the Minister and the Deputy Governor were very enthusiastic about the project and convinced us that we have their full support.

After this long period of speeches, we were taken to the Ramogi Institute of Advanced Technology; classes were not in session, but we had a short tour of their labs and workshops. Finally, we arrived at the community and we met Kolunje community residents, WatSan officials and other members of the school board outside under a beautiful, shady tree. Most of the meeting was carried out in the communities native language, Luo. Though we didn't understand what they were saying, we laughed and clapped along with the rest of the audience. Our team introduced ourselves and the project. We gave out pamphlets, answered questions and got to know the community members a bit better.

After conclusion of the meeting, we had a taste of African hospitality as we were offered lunch prepared by the community members. It included ugali, sukuma wiki, chicken and some chapati.
Here are some pictures from our meetings today.

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