Today, Peter and Grace Oduor, representatives of ECODS, met us at our hotel. After telling him about our plans for this trip and asking him questions regarding the community,
we set out for Kolunje. The 30 minute ride led us to the small rural village where we were greeted by Simon Okingo and William Mbeke who were part of the Water and Sanitation Committee (WatSan), the group which will hold responsibility of the project when it is finished. We also met William's uncle, who was a highly respected village elder. They showed us the locations of the the two potential drilling sites, both of which were predicted to yield water. These sites are located on the grounds of the Arch-Bishop Okoth Secondary School. Here, we took measurements to ensure that the drill sites were far enough away from any nearby latrines. We also took a look at the newly built power lines along the road which we will need for the electric pump. We will visit the other school and hospital tomorrow when we are also going to hold a community meeting and a meeting with WatSan.
One of the roads on the way to Kolunje. Not exactly the smoothest ride we've been on. |
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